[Links are the blue words.]
Several Lent based Adoration resources are provided below to empower children in spending time with our Eucharistic Lord.
Guided Adoration Plans
Stained Glass Lent
Praying With Coloring Sheets
Praying With Coloring Sheets
These Stained Glass Lent Praying With Coloring Sheets provide a tangible method of prayer for children. They offer a concrete, age appropriate way to draw children into an extended time of prayer with Jesus. These sheets can increase children's focus on our Eucharistic Lord while in Adoration and teach them a rhythm of prayer.
As the child says each written prayer (or part of a litany) in the Lenten stained-glass panels, they color that stained glass panel in. Remind the children to think about the words they are saying and to look up at Jesus in the Eucharist often.
Children can color the crown of thorns and nails / cross made from nails while they use their own words to talk to Jesus.
As the child says each written prayer (or part of a litany) in the Lenten stained-glass panels, they color that stained glass panel in. Remind the children to think about the words they are saying and to look up at Jesus in the Eucharist often.
Children can color the crown of thorns and nails / cross made from nails while they use their own words to talk to Jesus.
Eucharistic Lenten Calendar
1. Two Versions of a Eucharistic Lenten Calendar
Both calendars show each day of Lent and three Eucharistic ways to include Jesus in your children’s and teens’ days. The number one goal is to pray an Act of Spiritual Communion every single day of Lent to extend the graces of a child’s or teen’s last in-person Communion.
In addition to reminding your children and teens to pray an Act of Spiritual Communion every day, the Eucharistic Lenten Calendar also encourages them to spend time with our Eucharistic King by attending Mass AND visiting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.
Younger Eucharistic Lenten Calendar Version: (link is blue underline) A path from Ash Wednesday to Easter in which children color and draw according to a “Key.” It should be printed on purple paper.
Older Eucharistic Lenten Calendar Version: (link is blue underline) An actual calendar in which the youth simply mark off their Eucharistic choices.
Both calendars show each day of Lent and three Eucharistic ways to include Jesus in your children’s and teens’ days. The number one goal is to pray an Act of Spiritual Communion every single day of Lent to extend the graces of a child’s or teen’s last in-person Communion.
In addition to reminding your children and teens to pray an Act of Spiritual Communion every day, the Eucharistic Lenten Calendar also encourages them to spend time with our Eucharistic King by attending Mass AND visiting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.
Younger Eucharistic Lenten Calendar Version: (link is blue underline) A path from Ash Wednesday to Easter in which children color and draw according to a “Key.” It should be printed on purple paper.
Older Eucharistic Lenten Calendar Version: (link is blue underline) An actual calendar in which the youth simply mark off their Eucharistic choices.
2. A 9-page Teacher/Parent Discussion Guide (link is blue underline)
Includes a simple, to the point explanation of how to use the Eucharistic Lenten Calendar.
Includes a More In-Depth Discussion of the three Eucharistic ways to include Jesus in your children’s and teens’ days. There are discussion questions listed for each Eucharistic way - saying a daily Act of Spiritual Communion, attending Mass, and visiting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. The Discussion Guide includes the Graces and Fruit of Holy Communion, so the children and teens understand what is being deepened when they pray their daily Act of Spiritual Communion.
Includes a simple, to the point explanation of how to use the Eucharistic Lenten Calendar.
Includes a More In-Depth Discussion of the three Eucharistic ways to include Jesus in your children’s and teens’ days. There are discussion questions listed for each Eucharistic way - saying a daily Act of Spiritual Communion, attending Mass, and visiting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. The Discussion Guide includes the Graces and Fruit of Holy Communion, so the children and teens understand what is being deepened when they pray their daily Act of Spiritual Communion.
New Lent 2023!
Visio Divina
Praying with Images
Visio Divina
Praying with Images
How to use?
1. Print the Visio Divina Prayer Sheet. (link is blue underline)
2. Laminate, if desired, for longevity.
3. Encourage your student/child to take their time studying the artwork
and looking closely at the details.
4. The student/child should then prayerfully consider the written suggestions, talk to Jesus, prayerfully use their imaginations, read the recommended Scripture verse, and/or pray the recommended prayer.
1. Print the Visio Divina Prayer Sheet. (link is blue underline)
2. Laminate, if desired, for longevity.
3. Encourage your student/child to take their time studying the artwork
and looking closely at the details.
4. The student/child should then prayerfully consider the written suggestions, talk to Jesus, prayerfully use their imaginations, read the recommended Scripture verse, and/or pray the recommended prayer.
A Small Measure of Comfort
Visio Divina Who are you in this crowd?
Visio Divina Mary Holds Jesus
Visio Divina |
Carrying the Cross
Visio Divina Palm Sunday
Visio Divina |
A Journey through Lent And the Easter Season
A Journey through Lent and the Easter Season Passport Booklet (link is blue underline) is a visual guide, reminder, and tracker for children during these two beautiful seasons. Along with a wonderful overview of the seasons, with the addition of an inexpensive stamp, children can record their journey and activities.
The simple fun of attempting to stamp as many days and faith experiences as possible will encourage the children to deepen their faith during this holy time. Adding a small reward at the end of the Easter Season for completion of the passport could be a nice booster as well.
The Passport helps children recall and track: Ash Wednesday, each Sunday during Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday Mass, Divine Mercy Sunday, Ascension Sunday, and Pentecost.
The Passport encourages children to grow in their faith with a reminder to give up, offer up, or do something for Lent. Others suggestions to grow their faith can be marked off including such experiences as receiving ashes, going to Eucharistic Adoration, praying the Rosary, praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, going to Reconciliation, and praying the Stations of the Cross.
The Passport makes additional suggestions for stamping for Lent such as Fish Fries, Lenten themed class topics, reading Lent books, Lenten prayers, Lenten crafts, Resurrection Eggs, and Easter story cookies. It also allows room to mark and track special Lenten traditions from school or family life.
The simple fun of attempting to stamp as many days and faith experiences as possible will encourage the children to deepen their faith during this holy time. Adding a small reward at the end of the Easter Season for completion of the passport could be a nice booster as well.
The Passport helps children recall and track: Ash Wednesday, each Sunday during Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday Mass, Divine Mercy Sunday, Ascension Sunday, and Pentecost.
The Passport encourages children to grow in their faith with a reminder to give up, offer up, or do something for Lent. Others suggestions to grow their faith can be marked off including such experiences as receiving ashes, going to Eucharistic Adoration, praying the Rosary, praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, going to Reconciliation, and praying the Stations of the Cross.
The Passport makes additional suggestions for stamping for Lent such as Fish Fries, Lenten themed class topics, reading Lent books, Lenten prayers, Lenten crafts, Resurrection Eggs, and Easter story cookies. It also allows room to mark and track special Lenten traditions from school or family life.
1. Print out the Passport file double sided. Cardstock is recommended. (Some printers will require a flip on the long side to print double sided. Other printers will require a short side flip to print double sided. Check your print settings.)
2. Cut the two double sided pages in half.
3. Place the pages in number sequence.
4. Fold in half and staple the crease of the book.
5. Purchase inexpensive self inking stamps.
2. Cut the two double sided pages in half.
3. Place the pages in number sequence.
4. Fold in half and staple the crease of the book.
5. Purchase inexpensive self inking stamps.
Praying The Litany of the Passion Reflection Packet
The Litany of the Passion (link is blue underline) is a fitting litany to pray and reflect upon during Lent especially while sitting in front of the same Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus that was nailed to the cross for our sins in Adoration.
The Litany of the Passion is beautiful and can draw children into pondering many different details and aspects of Jesus' amazing sacrifice and love for mankind. Yet, the litany is lengthy, creating a possible overwhelming prayer/reflection experience. Therefore, the litany has been separated into 12 sections with plenty of open spaces for prayerful writing, drawing, and decorating for the child.
Parents and teachers can choose to give and focus on one age-appropriate section to their children to reflect on in Adoration. Or, children can be given the whole reflection packet and numerous opportunities to spend time with Jesus in Adoration.
Encourage children to:
1. Be slow and thoughtful as they carefully read and pray the words of the litany.
2.Take moments to really look at the Blessed Sacrament and know that the Blessed Sacrament IS Jesus, His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
3. Underline, circle, or highlight words to help them focus on words that touch their hearts & souls.
4. Draw prayer inspired pictures that show the words of the litany.
5. Close their eyes to imagine what is happening, where it is happening, or what Jesus might look like at that moment.
6. Create a loving rhythm or song in their heads with the words of the litany.
7. Change the word “us” to “me” in the words of the litany.
8. And to absolutely take moments to pause, be silent, and listen to Jesus.
1. Print out the Litany file single sided.
2. Cut the two double sided pages in half.
3. Place the pages in number sequence.
4. Stable if desired.
5. Bring to Eucharistic Adoration as a prayer help.
The Litany of the Passion is beautiful and can draw children into pondering many different details and aspects of Jesus' amazing sacrifice and love for mankind. Yet, the litany is lengthy, creating a possible overwhelming prayer/reflection experience. Therefore, the litany has been separated into 12 sections with plenty of open spaces for prayerful writing, drawing, and decorating for the child.
Parents and teachers can choose to give and focus on one age-appropriate section to their children to reflect on in Adoration. Or, children can be given the whole reflection packet and numerous opportunities to spend time with Jesus in Adoration.
Encourage children to:
1. Be slow and thoughtful as they carefully read and pray the words of the litany.
2.Take moments to really look at the Blessed Sacrament and know that the Blessed Sacrament IS Jesus, His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
3. Underline, circle, or highlight words to help them focus on words that touch their hearts & souls.
4. Draw prayer inspired pictures that show the words of the litany.
5. Close their eyes to imagine what is happening, where it is happening, or what Jesus might look like at that moment.
6. Create a loving rhythm or song in their heads with the words of the litany.
7. Change the word “us” to “me” in the words of the litany.
8. And to absolutely take moments to pause, be silent, and listen to Jesus.
1. Print out the Litany file single sided.
2. Cut the two double sided pages in half.
3. Place the pages in number sequence.
4. Stable if desired.
5. Bring to Eucharistic Adoration as a prayer help.
Coloring/Manipulative Adoration Prayer Sheet
(also located on the Just Jesus and Me page)
This Color/Manipulative Adoration Sheet provides a tangible method of prayer for children. It offers a concrete, age appropriate way to draw children into an extended time of prayer with Jesus. This sheet can increase children's focus on our Eucharistic Lord while in Adoration and teach them a rhythm of prayer.
Children acknowledge Jesus' True Presence while thanking Him with their hands, eyes, hearts, and minds.
You will find two versions of the sheet. Version 1 is a coloring sheet that can be printed and Version 2 can be laminated and used with manipulatives (bingo chips, buttons, pennies, etc..).
Before entering a chapel with Eucharistic Adoration, teach your children how to use the sheet. Children should color one circle (or place a manipulative on one circle) around the image of Jesus. Then the children should pause, look at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and pray in their heart the simple heart felt prayer from the circle, "Jesus, You save me." This pattern is repeated over and over. Children too young to read can be taught the simple prayer prior to entering the chapel.
This Color/Manipulative Adoration Sheet provides a tangible method of prayer for children. It offers a concrete, age appropriate way to draw children into an extended time of prayer with Jesus. This sheet can increase children's focus on our Eucharistic Lord while in Adoration and teach them a rhythm of prayer.
Children acknowledge Jesus' True Presence while thanking Him with their hands, eyes, hearts, and minds.
You will find two versions of the sheet. Version 1 is a coloring sheet that can be printed and Version 2 can be laminated and used with manipulatives (bingo chips, buttons, pennies, etc..).
Before entering a chapel with Eucharistic Adoration, teach your children how to use the sheet. Children should color one circle (or place a manipulative on one circle) around the image of Jesus. Then the children should pause, look at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and pray in their heart the simple heart felt prayer from the circle, "Jesus, You save me." This pattern is repeated over and over. Children too young to read can be taught the simple prayer prior to entering the chapel.
"Jesus, You save me" (link is blue underline)
color sheet |
"Jesus, You save me" (link is blue underline)
manipulative sheet |
Sliding Stations of the Cross
A Hands-on Tool for Lenten Prayer
Children can slide a praying child through the 14 Stations of the Cross.
Children should stop at each number to read the name of the Station and
think prayerfully about what happened.
Then, depending on the age of the child, the child should say one of the two following prayers:
V: We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. (Genuflect)
R: Because, by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (Rise)
I love You Jesus, I am so sorry for hurting you.
(Full file click here)
See Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards below for a detailed accompanying aid.
Children can slide a praying child through the 14 Stations of the Cross.
Children should stop at each number to read the name of the Station and
think prayerfully about what happened.
Then, depending on the age of the child, the child should say one of the two following prayers:
V: We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. (Genuflect)
R: Because, by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (Rise)
I love You Jesus, I am so sorry for hurting you.
(Full file click here)
See Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards below for a detailed accompanying aid.
Stations of the Cross Directions:
1. Download and print the 2 needed files from above.
(Stations of the Cross Page One and Stations of the Cross Glue Guide)
2. Cut the U shape from Page One. You will now have two separate pieces.
3. Glue the outer piece of Page One onto the Glue Guide Page.
Be sure to line up the edges of the papers and keep glue out of the indicated areas.
4. Glue the middle U section of Page One on to the Glue Guide Page.
Once again keep glue out of the indicated areas.
5. The finished Stations appear similar to the uncut document, but now has a slit.
1. Download and print the 2 needed files from above.
(Stations of the Cross Page One and Stations of the Cross Glue Guide)
2. Cut the U shape from Page One. You will now have two separate pieces.
3. Glue the outer piece of Page One onto the Glue Guide Page.
Be sure to line up the edges of the papers and keep glue out of the indicated areas.
4. Glue the middle U section of Page One on to the Glue Guide Page.
Once again keep glue out of the indicated areas.
5. The finished Stations appear similar to the uncut document, but now has a slit.
Praying Child Mover Piece Directions:
1. Download and print the Praying Child Mover Piece. Multiple pieces are on one page.
2. Each child should have either a girl or boy mover piece.
3. Cut along the outside dotted rectangle.
4. Fold the mover piece in half.
5. Trim around the dotted lines on the upper half of the mover piece.
6. Fold the two bottom flaps where marked outwards on either side of the mover piece.
1. Download and print the Praying Child Mover Piece. Multiple pieces are on one page.
2. Each child should have either a girl or boy mover piece.
3. Cut along the outside dotted rectangle.
4. Fold the mover piece in half.
5. Trim around the dotted lines on the upper half of the mover piece.
6. Fold the two bottom flaps where marked outwards on either side of the mover piece.
1. Slide the completed Praying Child Mover Piece into the slit near the First Station of the Cross making sure the child is facing forward.
1. Slide the completed Praying Child Mover Piece into the slit near the First Station of the Cross making sure the child is facing forward.
Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards
These Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards (link is blue underline) match the station images on the Sliding Stations of the Cross prayer activity.
The cards can be used in conjunction with the Sliding Stations of the Cross prayer activity, with Stations of the Cross in church, reflection in Adoration, or on their own.
The Prayer Cards are the full, detailed prayers for the Stations of the Cross as composed by Saint Alphonsus Liguori. While the cards have a lot of words on them, younger children can still enjoy the imagery on the back sides.
(click here)
The cards can be used in conjunction with the Sliding Stations of the Cross prayer activity, with Stations of the Cross in church, reflection in Adoration, or on their own.
The Prayer Cards are the full, detailed prayers for the Stations of the Cross as composed by Saint Alphonsus Liguori. While the cards have a lot of words on them, younger children can still enjoy the imagery on the back sides.
(click here)
1. Download the Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards.
2. Print double sided.
3. Laminate if desired.
4. Cut in quarter.
5. Punch holes in the corners and place on a ring.
1. Download the Just Jesus and Me Stations of the Cross Prayer Cards.
2. Print double sided.
3. Laminate if desired.
4. Cut in quarter.
5. Punch holes in the corners and place on a ring.
These Station of the Cross Prayer Cards can be added to the other Just Jesus and Me Prayer Cards found on the Just Jesus and Me page of this website. |
All plans, activities, information, etc. on this site are free; however they are only to be used for an individual parish, classroom, and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or re-transmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Please do not link directly to any PDF activity or plan using its URL (the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet). You are always welcome to link to the specific web page.
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