Lessons & Activities: Eucharist & Adoration
[Links are the blue words.]
Activity 1a: Seeing the Body and Blood of Jesus with Faith
updated August 2022
The True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist can be a difficult concept for kids to understand. How can something that looks like bread/wine and taste like bread/wine really be Jesus?
We teach them with the words of Jesus and the truth of our faith. An excerpt from An Introduction for Children: “As you know, the Eucharist, which we are able to receive during Mass, was given to the Apostles by Jesus during the Last Supper. After Jesus changed the bread and wine into His body and blood, He gave it to His Apostles to eat and drink. The bread and wine was changed, actually transformed, into the real Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, the Son of God.”
“Although the consecrated host does not look like the body and blood of Jesus we see on a crucifix, His Real Presence is hidden within the appearance of a small white consecrated host (altar bread). This is a great miracle, a mystery, something we cannot fully understand. Yet we have the words of Jesus Himself who said in the Gospel of John: “My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink” (John 6: 55).” http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/pea/element.htm
Jesus did not say this will be a symbol, He didn’t say this represents me, He says the Eucharist IS Him!
The following lesson can be done simpler or more detailed depending on your target audience’s age.
(See printables below.)
We teach them with the words of Jesus and the truth of our faith. An excerpt from An Introduction for Children: “As you know, the Eucharist, which we are able to receive during Mass, was given to the Apostles by Jesus during the Last Supper. After Jesus changed the bread and wine into His body and blood, He gave it to His Apostles to eat and drink. The bread and wine was changed, actually transformed, into the real Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, the Son of God.”
“Although the consecrated host does not look like the body and blood of Jesus we see on a crucifix, His Real Presence is hidden within the appearance of a small white consecrated host (altar bread). This is a great miracle, a mystery, something we cannot fully understand. Yet we have the words of Jesus Himself who said in the Gospel of John: “My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink” (John 6: 55).” http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/pea/element.htm
Jesus did not say this will be a symbol, He didn’t say this represents me, He says the Eucharist IS Him!
The following lesson can be done simpler or more detailed depending on your target audience’s age.
(See printables below.)
Lesson sample:
Ask: “Do you know what the bread is made from?” (wheat)
Show your children: The visual aid of the single red wheat stalk
Show your children: The visual aid of the host.
Say to your children: “Here is the altar bread – the host. It is made from wheat.”
Point out to your children: There are many little wheat stalks that make up the host.
Say to your children:
Show your children: The red vellum visual aid labeled “Faith.”
Say your children:
Read the words on the “Faith” visual aid to your children: "Look with your faith made strong by the Holy Spirit.”
Say to your children: We are now going to look at what appears to be bread, the Host, which is consecrated by a priest at Mass, with faith made strong by the Holy Spirit.
Do in front of your children: Place the red vellum visual aid labeled “Faith” on top of the Host visual aid. (The children will see the image of Jesus appear in the Host.” )
Ask: “Do you know what the bread is made from?” (wheat)
Show your children: The visual aid of the single red wheat stalk
Show your children: The visual aid of the host.
Say to your children: “Here is the altar bread – the host. It is made from wheat.”
Point out to your children: There are many little wheat stalks that make up the host.
Say to your children:
- At the offertory during Mass, plain, regular hosts are what people bring to the priest standing at the altar.
- The priest places the bread on the altar and lays his hands over it.
- At the moment the priest says aloud the Words of Consecration, “Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you.” AND by the power of the Holy Spirit, the bread changes in a way we cannot see to become the real body of Jesus.
Show your children: The red vellum visual aid labeled “Faith.”
Say your children:
- This red sheet represents our faith, our trust, in Jesus and all He told the disciples and us too.
- We trust and believe that what Jesus said is true.
- The Holy Spirit is often represented as fire, thus the red coloring of our “Faith.”
- The Holy Spirit is also represented as a dove, thus the dove in a flame drawing on the bottom of the “Faith” sheet.
- The Holy Spirit helps our faith be strong.
Read the words on the “Faith” visual aid to your children: "Look with your faith made strong by the Holy Spirit.”
Say to your children: We are now going to look at what appears to be bread, the Host, which is consecrated by a priest at Mass, with faith made strong by the Holy Spirit.
Do in front of your children: Place the red vellum visual aid labeled “Faith” on top of the Host visual aid. (The children will see the image of Jesus appear in the Host.” )
click here: Lesson Instructions
Copy this Faith sheet on to red vellum paper which is available for purchase by the sheet in the scrapbook section at many craft stores.
Print this Cup of Blood sheet in color.
Activity 1b: Seeing the Body of Jesus with Faith in the Monstrance
This activity can be used as a follow up to Activity 1a: Seeing the Body and Blood of Jesus with Faith or as a stand alone.
Sending their completed project home with the children is an excellent way to not only teach the children, but also reach their parents to affirm our Catholic belief of Jesus' True Presence in the Eucharist.
Pope Benedict said, "The proper meaning of catechesis, in fact, must be this: to bring the flame of Jesus' love, even if it is a small one, to the hearts of children, and through the children to their parents, thus reopening the places of faith of our time."
Sending their completed project home with the children is an excellent way to not only teach the children, but also reach their parents to affirm our Catholic belief of Jesus' True Presence in the Eucharist.
Pope Benedict said, "The proper meaning of catechesis, in fact, must be this: to bring the flame of Jesus' love, even if it is a small one, to the hearts of children, and through the children to their parents, thus reopening the places of faith of our time."
Print on card stock. Children can color the monstrance before gluing other pieces on it. (Enough for 1 project) |
White Host Cover
Print on regular paper. The tab will be folded under the host and glued to the center of the monstrance. (Enough for 18 projects) |
Jesus in the Host
Print on regular paper. This Jesus in the Host will be glued on top of the tab in the center of the monstrance. (Enough for 30 projects) |
Activity 2: Names for the Blessed Sacrament
Activity 2: Names for the Blessed Sacrament
Within Guided Adorations, Jesus in the Host is referenced by several different names. To facilitate the children's understanding, outside a Guided Adoration, ask the children if they know other names for the Blessed Sacrament. List them on the board, helping fill in the names they can not recall. (Blessed Sacrament; Jesus; Eucharist; His True Presence; Consecrated Host; Blessed Host; Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity; Jesus in the Eucharist; Holy Sacrifice) Reinforce that when they hear any of these name that they all refer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - the white circle or Consecrated Host that they see in the middle of the Monstrance. This color sheet serves as a reminder to the children on these different names.
Activity 3: Come Adore Song Reflection
The traditional Adoration song, Come Adore, (English version of Tantum Ergo) is packed full of meaning. Here is a reflection on the words of Come Adore with questions and possible answers. As the students understand the song in more depth, it will hopefully lead them closer to our Lord as they sing it during Adoration.
Activity 4: Story of Fatima
The Story of Fatima is a wonderful teaching story for children on (1) visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, (2) behaving respectfully before Jesus in Adoration, (3) choosing to say the prayers taught by the angel and Our Lady, (4) saying the rosary thoughtfully, and (5) giving Jesus our pains in reparation for the sins of the world.
Jesus in His Sacramental Garment lesson is based on St. Peter Julian Eymard’s quote: "Our Lord did not want to remain on earth only through His grace, His truth or His words; He remains in person. We possess the same Lord Jesus Christ Who lived in Judea, although under a different form of life. He has put on a sacramental garment, but He does not cease being Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary."
Using several photos of Mrs. Kirking in different garments, it is established that all three pictures are of Mrs. Kirking. The garments do not change who she is.
The lesson continues with different images of Jesus in different garments including Jesus in His sacramental garment. It is established that Jesus' garments do not change who He is - our God.
Jesus wears His "resurrection garment" in heaven and His "sacramental garment" on earth.
This makes a great connection for children both for Mass and for Adoration.
click here: Lesson Instructions
Using several photos of Mrs. Kirking in different garments, it is established that all three pictures are of Mrs. Kirking. The garments do not change who she is.
The lesson continues with different images of Jesus in different garments including Jesus in His sacramental garment. It is established that Jesus' garments do not change who He is - our God.
Jesus wears His "resurrection garment" in heaven and His "sacramental garment" on earth.
This makes a great connection for children both for Mass and for Adoration.
click here: Lesson Instructions
Thumbnails of some of the lesson's images:
Activity 7: Teaching Aid: Our 5 Senses and His Word
updated August 2022
click here: Lesson Instructions
Additional Thumbnails of the Printable Lesson:
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