ADORATION IS "Linked to the celebration of the eucharistic sacrifice" [1]
[Links are the blue words.]
At Mass, we recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread and we receive His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity as food for our souls. This is a gift from Jesus. At Adoration, we are responding to this gift with a desire to spend time with Him above and beyond the required Sunday Mass. We adore Jesus at Adoration which then makes us more aware of and more thankful for Who we are receiving at Mass. This greater thanksgiving and love for Jesus at Mass leads us to visit Him again in Adoration. It is an endless circle of receiving Jesus and showing Jesus our love for Him that pulls us closer and closer into His heart. This endless circle helps us to trust Him more, creates a desire to please Him more, and a desire to become more like Him.
The Eucharist is the “source and summit of Christian life.” [2] The Eucharist is where our identity as Catholics begins and is the high point of our Catholic life. Everything we do, say, and think every single day should be based on our belief that the Eucharist is Jesus’ Real Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
We can experience “Eucharistic Amazement” [3] at every Mass and Adoration.
[1] Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter: On the Eucharist No 25
[2] Catechism of the Catholic Church 1324
[3] Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter: On the Eucharist No 6
Newly Expanded and Updated
"Encounter God at Mass"
Mass Cards
What a beautiful chance we have to help nurture and grow children's love and understanding of the Mass and Jesus.
Mass is amazing!
Jesus, in His sacramental garment, waits for us at Mass. We have a choice – we can sit, stand, kneel without thought OR we can be united with Jesus, be forgiven our venial sins, listen to Jesus speak to us, praise Him, receive His graces, touch Jesus in heaven, and eat His body. This second choice makes each day more joyful regardless of if we are having a “good” or “bad” day; strengthens us to become more and more like Jesus; helps us make Jesus-like decisions day to day, and gives us spiritual food for our journey through life to Heaven.
These downloadable Mass Cards, “Encountering God at Mass,” will provide numerous suggestions and tips to help children (and adults) actively participate in Mass.
Encourage your children to
put on their heavenly armor when they bless themselves with Holy Water,
ask God to help them live the Gospel message more deeply,
fall on their knees with joy after singing the Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts,
enter God’s throne room,
recognize that they are a living tabernacle,
and so much more!
"Encounter God at Mass"
Mass Cards
What a beautiful chance we have to help nurture and grow children's love and understanding of the Mass and Jesus.
Mass is amazing!
Jesus, in His sacramental garment, waits for us at Mass. We have a choice – we can sit, stand, kneel without thought OR we can be united with Jesus, be forgiven our venial sins, listen to Jesus speak to us, praise Him, receive His graces, touch Jesus in heaven, and eat His body. This second choice makes each day more joyful regardless of if we are having a “good” or “bad” day; strengthens us to become more and more like Jesus; helps us make Jesus-like decisions day to day, and gives us spiritual food for our journey through life to Heaven.
These downloadable Mass Cards, “Encountering God at Mass,” will provide numerous suggestions and tips to help children (and adults) actively participate in Mass.
Encourage your children to
put on their heavenly armor when they bless themselves with Holy Water,
ask God to help them live the Gospel message more deeply,
fall on their knees with joy after singing the Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts,
enter God’s throne room,
recognize that they are a living tabernacle,
and so much more!
A sampling of the 37 card set
(formally 31 cards)
(formally 31 cards)
Suggested way to use these cards:
Have your child pick one or two cards to bring to Mass to add to their Mass awareness and participation. As your child successfully incorporates a card’s suggestion into Mass, add another card or two.
Soon your child will be experiencing Mass with new joy and unity with Jesus.
Consider laminating the cards for sturdiness.
"It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass."
- St. Padre Pio
[4] Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter: On the Eucharist No 6
[5] Pope John Paul II Encyclical Letter: On the Eucharist No 6
Mass Observational Challenge
The downloadable Mass Observational Challenge can help children further enter into the gift of Mass by using their observational skills. The Challenge will encourage children to notice details in Mass they may ordinarily overlook and to pay attention to the sequence of Mass.
This is a tool meant to be used a time or two, not at every Mass. Print the Challenge out and bring a pencil to encourage a deeper, long term understanding of the Mass.
The Mass Observational Challenge is not as comprehensive as the downloadable, "Encounter God at Mass" Cards, but a complementary tool utilizing a different set of learning skills.
It was originally designed for Middle School students, but is appropriate with 4th and 5th graders as well. Younger age children may need parental help to be successful. An Answer Key is provided with some additional explanations.
Younger Child
Parental Guided Mass Participation
Observation & Questions
At Mass or prior to entering the church, the parent should pick one or two questions or observations for your 3-7 year old child to take extra interest in. There is an overlap of content to allow you to best meet the needs of your child. Repetition on the same question or observation over several weeks will help cement the significance of the Mass.
Let these questions and observations help your child further enter into the gift of Mass by using his/her eyes, ears, hearts, and even his/her voice to keep engaged. The questions/observations will encourage your child to notice details in Mass he/she may ordinarily overlook. You are teaching your child to pay attention to the beauty of the details at Mass and to fully participate. As you move through the list, your child will hopefully continue to notice the previous observations and remember the questions already answered alongside the new ones.
Mass Count Down Cards
Build excitement and joy for attending Mass with these Mass Count Down Cards.
Keep the Eucharist front and center daily during the Eucharistic Revival.
Children will count down the days until:
Plus 4 more ways to count down to the joys of Mass.
This set includes Communion specific joys and alternates for children who have not yet made their First Communion.
Simply print, laminate (if you wish), cut apart, punch holes in the top, and place on a ring.
Keep the Eucharist front and center daily during the Eucharistic Revival.
Children will count down the days until:
- They will be together with the whole Church, the people in their parish building, the people in other churches, and the people already in heaven. They will recognize that an amazing part of Mass is that they will be so close to their loved ones who are already with Jesus in heaven!
- They will see Jesus in His Sacrament Clothes held up by the priest! They will look forward to whispering words of love to Him as they look at Jesus Who loves them with a huge love!
- They will imagine a heart shaped balloon full of Jesus’ love growing larger and larger within them after Communion.
Plus 4 more ways to count down to the joys of Mass.
This set includes Communion specific joys and alternates for children who have not yet made their First Communion.
Simply print, laminate (if you wish), cut apart, punch holes in the top, and place on a ring.
Mass Count Down Cards Version 2
A simpler version of the Mass Count Down Cards for younger children.
Children will count down the days until:
Plus 4 more ways to count down to the joys of Mass.
Simply print, laminate (if you wish), cut apart, punch holes in the top, and place on a ring.
Children will count down the days until:
- When their very own eyes see Jesus, the God of the Universe!
- When their eyes see Jesus, the Bread of Life, Who shines graces on them!
- When they are blessed enough to spend time with THE One who loves them more than anyone!
Plus 4 more ways to count down to the joys of Mass.
Simply print, laminate (if you wish), cut apart, punch holes in the top, and place on a ring.
The Our Father 3 Part Video Series
In Mass, the priest says, “At the savior’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say Our Father . . .”
When we pray the Our Father, Pope Benedict says in his book, Jesus of Nazareth, “We are praying with Jesus.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2799-2800 says, “The Lord's Prayer brings us into communion with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. At the same time it reveals us to ourselves (cf. GS 22 § 1). Praying to our Father should develop in us the will to become like him and foster in us a humble and trusting heart.”
Pope Francis says in his General Audience on June 7, 2017, "There was something fascinating about the prayer of Jesus, so fascinating that one day his disciples asked to be taught it. This event can be found in the Gospel of Luke, who among the Evangelists, was the one who best documented the mystery of Christ ‘praying’: the Lord prayed. Jesus’ disciples are struck by the fact that, particularly in the mornings and in the evenings, he retired in solitude and “immersed” himself in prayer: And because of this, one day, they asked him to teach them how to pray too (cf. Lk 11:1)."
The Our Father Series reflects on the prayer Jesus gave His disciples and in turn us in three short videos with pauses built-in for scripture, prayer, discussion, and activities.
When we pray the Our Father, Pope Benedict says in his book, Jesus of Nazareth, “We are praying with Jesus.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2799-2800 says, “The Lord's Prayer brings us into communion with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. At the same time it reveals us to ourselves (cf. GS 22 § 1). Praying to our Father should develop in us the will to become like him and foster in us a humble and trusting heart.”
Pope Francis says in his General Audience on June 7, 2017, "There was something fascinating about the prayer of Jesus, so fascinating that one day his disciples asked to be taught it. This event can be found in the Gospel of Luke, who among the Evangelists, was the one who best documented the mystery of Christ ‘praying’: the Lord prayed. Jesus’ disciples are struck by the fact that, particularly in the mornings and in the evenings, he retired in solitude and “immersed” himself in prayer: And because of this, one day, they asked him to teach them how to pray too (cf. Lk 11:1)."
The Our Father Series reflects on the prayer Jesus gave His disciples and in turn us in three short videos with pauses built-in for scripture, prayer, discussion, and activities.
Part 1 of 3:
Introduction and "Our Father, Who art in heaven" https://youtu.be/11oViGcqsMA 1. Look up scripture. |
Part 2 of 3:
"Hallowed be Thy Name. . . . our daily bread." https://youtu.be/DmXwiOCPVhI 1. Discuss the ways you use God’s name. 2. Draw a picture. 3. Eat bread and pray for a need. |
Part 3 of 3: "And forgive us our trespasses, . . . deliver us from evil. Amen." https://youtu.be/DYcTQMwZW8c 1. Make a list for confession. 2. Say a prayer. |
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Please do not link directly to any PDF activity or plan using its URL (the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet). You are always welcome to link to the specific web page.
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